Wed. October 30th - Dictionary Hand Out to 3rd Graders at Fitch Mt. School from 12:45 to 1 pm (Walking field trip, meet at flagpole near track at 12:40 pm)
Fri. November 8th - Food Court #2 during lunch. Pizza and Lemonade sales (Workers: Taylor V, Mary Kelly C, Parker B, Andrew M, Coral G, Sophie A)
Sun. November 10th - Possible work session with Cloverdale & Windsor Key Clubs at Giorgi Park (Possible plan for 2 hours of work and then lunch-details to follow)
Mon. November 11th - Zip Line Field trip for 16 at Sonoma Canopy Tours in Occidental (Drivers are Mr. B, Coral G, Taylor V--Meet at HHS at noon, home by 6 pm)
2013-14 Meetings - (11.14)-(12.12)-(1.9)-(1.23)-(2.13)-(2.27)-(3.13)-(3.27)-(4.10)-(4.24)-(5.8) (Meetings are planned for Conference Room west of Cafeteria)